HIPAA Keeper™ is a simple way to make sure your medical practice remains HIPAA compliant over time. HIPAA Keeper™ is an affordable and easy to use cloud-based platform to keep your policies and procedures in order as you measure your progress on HIPAA compliance for your medical practice. As new rules and laws are proposed and become law, we keep you updated all along the way.

HIPAA Keeper™ is paperless. All Employee Confidentiality Agreements and BA Agreements are automated and handled by DocuSign. All Agreements are included in an easy to download zip file containing all policies, training certificates, and documents needed during an OCR investigation.

It only takes one disgruntled employee or one unhappy patient to file a complaint that may lead to an investigation. HIPAA Keeper™ provides you with documented proof that you are making your best effort to increase your HIPAA compliance.

Need Help? Our service includes a dedicated HIPAA expert to answer any of your questions along the way. Please let us know if you would like a demo or free trial.


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